Enjoy the new Moon from the terrace
Welcome to Seljenes
More guests happy with Seljenes
Top score from Booking.com
Guests like SeljenesCottage
2016 - Another year with great guest review score for Seljenes Cottage:
9,4 / 10
This is amazing. We are grateful to all guests at Samuel's Cottage / Seljenes Cottage in 2016. We appreciate their feedback.
feedback is made by guests that have a booking number with Booking.com related to Seljenes Cottage, and have stayed at our cottage. Nobody else are able to influence this rating.
5 years with satisfied guests
2017 - The Fifth year with great guest review score for Seljenes Cottage:
9,4 / 10
This is amazing. We are grateful to all guests at Samuel's Cottage / Seljenes Cottage in 2017. We appreciate their feedback.
This feedback is made by guests that have a booking number with Booking.com related to Seljenes Cottage, and have stayed at our cottage. Nobody else are able to influence this rating.
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